100th Webinar cum 3-Days Online Workshop
3 Days Online Workshop
31st May 2022 to 2nd June 2022
INA in collaboration with Navsari Agricultural University presents 3 days online workshop On- Horticulture Nurseries: Scope & Technology
Register here- https://forms.gle/jnjpTpK2Z7jRYqZX6
Time- 3:00 PM to 4:30 pm
Chief Guest: Dr. Z. P Patel, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor, NAU
Guests of Honour-
Shri Y. P Singh, President, INA
Dr. Timur Ahlawat, DR and Dean PGS, NAU
Organising chairs-
Dr. Alka Singh, Dean, ACHF, NAU
Mr. Mukul Tyagi, INA
Mr. Vijay Shinde, INA
Mr. Sachin Brahmankar INA
Organising Secretaries-
Dr N.Patel, NAU
Ms. Parmeshvari, NAU
Dr. Y.N Tandel, NAU
Day 1- 31st May 2022
1) Mr Nilesh Wakchaure, INA (Hariyali Hi-Tech Nursery)
Nursery Business: Approaches to Success
2) Dr. Tulsi Gurjar, Asstt. Prof., NAU
Mass Multiplication in Fruit Nursery
3) Dr. N. K. Patel, Asstt. Prof., NAU
Mass Multiplication and Plug Tray Vegetable Nursery
4) Dr. H. P. Shah, Asstt. Prof., NAU
Indoor Plants Nursery
Day 2- 1st June 2022
1) Mr. Madhukar Gavali, INA (Om Gayatri Nursery)
Mechanisation in Vegetable Nursery
2) Dr. Yatin Tandel, Asso. Prof.
Fruit Nursery- Grafting Techniques
3) Ms. Hetal Rathod, Asstt. Prof.
Vegetable Grafting Techniques
4) Dr. G. D Patel, Asstt. Prof.
Ornamental Plant Nursery-Media (soilless)
Day-3- 2nd June 2022
1) Mr.Vijay Shinde, INA (Precision Agritech Pvt Ltd)
Nursery Business of Flowering Annuals
2) Dr. Shivam Bhatt, Asstt. Prof.
Protected Structures in Ornamental Plant Nursery
3) Ms. Himani Patel, Asstt. Prof.
Tuber Crop Nursery
4) Ms. Parmeshvari Chaudhari, Asstt. Prof.
Nursery Management in Ornamental Plants
Join on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85439100072?pwd=OHdZMlVPZ3JCdXFIUlhHV0VLekRLUT09
Meeting ID: 854 3910 0072
Passcode: 521221
Follow this link to join the WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/IdVwyK4VYjTH9AWLNV1SZS
E-Certificates will be given to all participants.
Team INA