Horticulture Department issues crop protection guidelines

Krishnagiri: The Department of Horticulture has issued several guidelines for the farmers of Krishnagiri district on how to protect their crops during the northeast monsoon. Farm growers need to be careful so that they can yield maximum fruits and vegetables during the season and save their crops from ruining. Otherwise, slight carelessness regarding the northeast monsoon can damage  crops.

Farmers should adopt all the modern techniques for greenhouse crops, such as shade nets. This technology is essential for saving the crops from strong winds and preventing them from damaging. Low-hanging branches of nearby trees should be trimmed to prevent harm to the greenhouse or crops. Any damaged shade nets need to be replaced immediately.

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The department went on to say that for plantains, harvest them till they reach maturity before the heavy rains. Farmers should support plantains with eucalyptus poles and remove all the leaves close to the ground.

It is also essential for the horticulture farmers to avoid waterlogging from their fields, so it is better to go for drip irrigation untill the rain subsidies. Farmers need to tie new plants with sticks in the opposite direction of the wind to keep them stable. These precautions will certainly help to keep the crops healthy, especially during heavy rains and strong winds in the monsoon season.