Asia’s largest tulip garden to open in Srinagar in March
Dr. Nasir Hamid Masoodi
Tulip belongs to the Liliaceae family. Internationally, it ranks 1st amongst bulbous crops. Also, it is 1st among demanded temperate bulbous ornamentals of the international flower trade. Tulips are bulbous-rooted perennials 10–70 cm in height. Tulips are popular ornamental plants and are often imported and grown in temperate regions of India where the climate is suitable for their growth. Tulips are known for their brightly colored, cup-shaped flowers that bloom in spring. The bulbs of some tulip varieties are edible and are used in various culinary preparations. The Netherlands is the world’s largest producer of tulips, and the country is famous for its tulip gardens and annual tulip festival. In India, tulips are primarily grown in regions such as the Himalayas, Kashmir, and some parts of North India where the climate is conducive to their growth
Tulip and Tourism:
Asia’s largest Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden in Srinagar is set to open to public in the month of March and with over15 lakh tulips of around 60 varieties blooming over 30 hectare land, the garden promises to be a feast for the eyes of visitors. Tulip garden has become one of the main attractions for tourists in Kashmir. Tulip and tourism industry are now well known growing facts and even a common man knows the relation of tulips with tourism. Premier and pivotal destinations in world are known for tulip and tulip festivals. One among them is Kuekenhof in Netherlands which is known because of tulip tourism. Millions of people visit the place only to have aesthetic and recreational beauty through tulips as it is worlds largest destination for tulips.
Similarly Jardin DuLuxem bourgin Paris, ,Tonami Tulip Parkin Japan, Corbett Gardens in Aus-tralio, Emirgan Park in Turkey, Jinzhan Tulip Garden in China, Skagit Valley In North America, Munsiyari Tulip Garden in India are other destinations known for tulip festivals.
In India love for tulips is growing, that is why more and more place s are planning tulip gardens for tulip festivals. In Himachal Pradesh and even in Jammu province tulip gardens are planned to attract tourism. In Lutyens of our capital New Delhi, tulip cultivation is done for aesthetic and recreational beauty and this year around 5 lakh Tulips are scheduled to be planted. Now a days South Indian States and few central Indian States have initiated tulip growing for aesthetic purpose.
In Kashmir tulip garden causes early arrival of tulips which automatically help tourism industry to grow. Stakeholders associated with tourism like travel agents, transporters, hoteliers are benefited through tulip tourism. Besides this, commercial floriculture growers are benefited through demand of tulips in home gardening.
Two Tulips species namely Tulip Culsiana and Tulipa Lanata are believed to be mother of all tulip varieties. Historically it has been documented that these were in Kashmir habitat and were taken by Mughal’s through silk route to Turkey and Turks cultivated in their gardens. In the 16th century, they were brought to Europe by diplomats and traders and became highly popular, leading to a period of intense cultivation and breeding of new varieties. Today, tulips are supplied by Netherlands to whole world and around 4 billion tulip bulbs are traded by Netherlands on annual basis , which is one of the largest producers of commercial tulip bulbs.
Types of Tulips: Standard: These are traditional tulips that come in various colors and forms, with single or bi-color blooms. They are readily available and affordable.
Parrot: These tulips have long stems and unique fringed, ruffled, twisted, or curled petals in vibrant colors.
Fringed: These tulips have delicate fringes that give them a soft and frilly appearance, with colors that may contrast with the bloom.
Rembrandt: These tulips are tall and showy, with pale colors streaked or variegated with deep purple or reddish “flames.”
Fosteriana: These early-blooming tulips have huge blooms measuring up to 8 inches across and sturdy stems at around 10 inches.
Triumph: These tulips are cold-hardy and have sturdy stems, with a wide range of solid and bi-color options.
Darwin Hybrids: These tall tulips come in spectacular colors, mainly in the reddish-orange to red range, with varieties in pink, white, and yellow.
Kaufmanniana: Also known as water lily, this early-blooming tulip has short stems and large blooms in various colors, with contrasting centers. Flowers open flat in bright sunlight.
Viridiflora: These tulips, also known as green tulips, have various colors with green markings, such as yellow tulips with green stripes or creamy white with bluish-green mottling.
Greigii: This midseason-blooming tulip has big, colorful blooms streaked and spotted with maroon or brownish markings and short stems, earning it the name peony tulip.
Preparation for Planting: For optimal growth, bulbs thrive in highly fertile soils, and a key aspect of long-term land preparation for bulb cultivation involves boosting soil fertility through generous manuring. It is widely accepted that maintaining high soil fertility is essential. Tulip bulbs, in particular, have a high requirement for potash. To facilitate growth and propagation and prevent bulb rotting caused by pathogen infection and asphyxiation, well-drained soil is imperative. As such, planting tulips in raised beds, especially in wet areas, is preferable and recommended. To make the soil light and airy, adding compost and coarse sand is advisable. Soil is typically tilled to a depth of 12 to 15 inches to support these cultivation practices.
Selection of Site: Tulips generally thrive under full sun exposure, or at the very least, with a minimum of 6 hours of bright sunlight per day. However, certain varieties may also grow in partial or complete shade. As such, selecting the appropriate site for cultivation should be done with care and consideration of the specific tulip variety being grown.
Soil Sterilisation: The soil is covered with polyethylene for 7 to 8 weeks in this method.
Chemical Sterilisation: To sterilize, mix 35 ml of silver-infused hydrogen peroxide per liter of water, and apply at a rate of 1 liter per square meter. Wait for 6 hours before planting. Alternatively, there are various multi-component formulations on the market that contain hydrogen peroxide and silver in nano form.
Formalin: Soil sterilization can also be accomplished with formalin at a ratio of 1 part formalin to 10 parts water. Once treated, the soil should be covered with plastic for seven days before removing any remaining traces with a mixture of 1 part soil to 100 parts water. After two weeks, planting can commence.
Bulb Treatment: Carbendazim, a chemical fungicide in the form of 50% WP, is an effective treatment for bulbs to prevent fungal contamination and rot. The fungicide is applied by dusting the bulbs before planting, with a ratio of 1kg of fungicide for every 20kg of bulbs. Alternatively, bio-antifungal agents such as Trichoderma formulation can also be used to treat bulbs before planting at the recommended dosage.
In addition to chemical options, there are now various bio-fertilizers available for flower production. Nutrient-solubilizing bacteria such as ZnSB, PSB, KSB, and Azotobacter can also be used as bulb dressers at the recommended doses. These bio-fertilizers can also be used as soil applications with carriers such as FYM and vermicompost at the recommended dosage.
Methods of Planting: Commercial growers have the option to plant bulbs manually or through plow planting. Plow planting involves creating 8-10 inch wide furrows using a single furrow plow or ridger bodies. Proper planting depth is crucial for optimal bulb growth, and for Tulips, a depth of 12.5-15cm is recommended depending on bulb size. Tulip bulbs should be planted 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 cm) apart, measured from the base of the bulb. In regions with mild winters, deep planting can help keep the bulbs cooler.
Time of Planting: Tulips can be planted from October to January, subject to specific climatic conditions that range from open fields to protected environments. When planting in the field, it is best to plant tulip bulbs in late fall before the first winter frost.
Placement of Bulb: To plant bulbs, position them firmly in the soil with the pointed end facing upwards, making sure the hole is flat at the bottom so the bulb’s base is in contact with the ground. Cover the bulbs with soil and water thoroughly to provide the necessary moisture for rooting before winter. However, avoid keeping the soil overly wet, as this can lead to bulb rot. After the ground freezes, apply a six-inch layer of clean straw or leaves as mulch, but avoid covering the bulbs before the ground freezes. Wet mulch can cause bulb rot and delay the ground from freezing.
When the shoots reach 1-2 inches in height, remove the winter mulch. To conserve energy for next year’s flowers, remove blooms as soon as they fade. Do not cut the leaves until they turn yellow and wither, as they are necessary to produce nutrition for the following year’s tulips. Apply crop fertilizers after the blooms fade, as this is the critical time when the bulbs make the most use of the fertilizer.
Irrigation: After planting bulbs, it is important to rinse the area thoroughly. It is recommended not to water the area again until the leaves begin to grow. Tulips do not require excess moisture, but initial watering at planting is essential to stimulate growth, and no watering is necessary throughout the winter. Once the leaves begin to grow in the spring, soil moisture must be maintained at the field moisture level without making it muddy. Irrigation should be stopped when the leaves begin to wither.
Subsequent Cultivation Practices: Subsequent to bulb planting, various practices such as weeding, fertigation, and pest management are carried out during the different growth phases.
De-blossoming or Deheading/Disbudding:Deheading is a crucial practice for bulb production, especially for crops such as stocks. It involves the removal of flower heads, which results in a greater number of high-quality, larger bulbs. The deheading process requires snapping or cutting off the blooms just below the flowers, preferably with a knife. The best time to dehead is when the flowers begin to show color, typically after the first three weeks of bloom but before the petals fall off. Allowing petals to accumulate in the foliage can lead to mold and plant death, which can hinder the growth of new bulbs underground.Furthermore, after the reproductive phase, growth retardants such as Cycocel @ 500-1000ppm and micronutrients are applied to the foliage to promote bulb size and number.
Drainage: For optimal growth, bulbs thrive in well-drained soils that are loose and sandy, preventing suffocation and decay. It is thus recommended to plant them in raised beds with well-draining soil. It’s important to avoid areas where water accumulates after rainfall. In cases where the soil is dense clay, it’s advised to incorporate organic matter such as compost or peat moss to enhance its aeration.
Nutrition: During soil preparation, a combination of 30 tonnes of either FYM or sheep manure, 2-3 kg of zinc, and 15 kg of nitrogen are incorporated per acre. Half of the nitrogen is split into two doses, with the first half applied in spring during the growth phase, and the remaining half after the flowering stage. To apply liquid nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), dissolve NPK (10-10-10 gm/lit or 5-10-5 gm/lit) in 1 liter of water. These graded fertilizers can be applied as long as the leaves are green and robust.
Disease, Pests, and Physiological Disorder in Tulip and Their Control: The initial and most crucial step in cultivation is to begin with disease-free bulbs, which should be obtained from a reliable agency. Trusted bulb manufacturers regularly inspect their stocks for viruses and other ailments. Upon arrival, bulbs must be carefully examined, and any questionable material should be evaluated by a laboratory. The detection of diseases may necessitate the rejection of the shipment. Prior to planting, pre-planting treatments should be followed to manage conditions; bulbs can be treated with fungicides such as Carbendazim 50W/P, by dusting or dipping, to help control diseases like Fusarium basal rot and Penicillium blue mold.
Diseases of Tulip: Tulip fire, bulb/basal rot, blue mold, root rot, bacterial soft rot, nematodes, and viruses are among the prevalent diseases that affect tulips.
Botrytis (Tulip Fire):The most widespread disease affecting tulips in both production and landscape settings is caused by the Botrytis tulipae fungus and is known as tulip fire. Indications of this disease include light tan patches on the tulip leaves, which are more visible in light-colored varieties. Necrotic spots can also be observed on the leaves.
Management: Before planting, it is imperative to meticulously examine bulbs by eliminating the outer husks of the bulb, and any discolored or spotted bulbs must be disposed of. Consistent inspections and early detection are vital for disease management. In cases where infections have occurred the previous year, the use of fungicides is recommended. The current suggested compounds for use are chlorothalonil, copper oxychloride, iprodione, and mancozeb.
Bulb and Root Rots (Erwinia carotovora): causes bulb and root rots, leads to a lack of flowering in infected plants or the premature shedding of buds before they bloom.
Management: Management involves avoiding planting bulbs in wet and warm conditions and instead planting them in well-drained soil while watering them early in the day.
Root and Stem Rot: Root and stem rot is characterized by soft, gray spots with brown borders near the base of the bulb, which can impede shoot emergence.
Management: Managing bulb, stem, and root rot diseases caused by Erwinia, Phytophthora, and Pythium necessitates soil sterilization.
Storage Rots: Storage Rots can affect tulip bulbs during storage, caused by Fusarium oxysporum var. tulipae and Penicillium species. These diseases can also result from mechanical injury or mite damage.
Management: Ensure proper harvesting and storage procedures.
Pests Damaging Tulip Crops : Tulip crops can also be damaged by aphids such as the melon aphid (Aphis gossypii) and the green peach aphid (Myzuspersicae).
Management: Use of insecticides.
Physiological Disorders Frost Injury: This can result in oblong to oval spots along the veins of the leaves, but it is not a common problem.
Retarded Growth: This occurs when bulbs are stored under excessively warm conditions or if they are not fully ripened. It can lead to stunted or suppressed growth.
Sunscald: This occurs in sunny, dry conditions and can cause scorching of flower parts, particularly along margins. Topple: This problem is characterized by water-soaked spots on some varieties, which eventually exude liquid from the main stem and cause flowers to collapse. It is thought to be due to insufficient ripening of the bulb, especially after wet, cool summer weather or if bulbs are forced into compact soils or at high temperatures.
Management: Management for these disorders involves preventing high temperatures and premature forcing, especially after wet, cool years. If toppling is a recurring problem, consider trying a different, less susceptible variety.
Winter injury: Planting bulbs too late in the fall in compact and poorly drained soil can hinder root establishment and result in bulb decay. This can cause shoots to appear abnormal and distorted, so it’s important to check the roots below ground to assess their development.