Experts call for organic & sustainable farming for boosting crop yield

Hyderabad: An international workshop on plant health and food safety was recently held at the Telangana Horticultural University in association with Auburn University, Alabama, USA, and the Asian (Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria.) PGPR Society. During the event, experts highlighted the significance of organic and sustainable agricultural practices for boosting horticultural crop production. They stressed that increasing crop yield is essential to surging farmers’ income and the economy of the nation.

Dr. Danda Rajireddy, Vice-Chancellor of Telangana Horticultural University, stated that it is essential to adopt organic methods and modern research in farming; then crop productivity would increase, ensuring food safety. He focused on the fact that plant and soil health plays a key role in food production, and they should be maintained through natural methods.

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Dr. M.S. Reddy, founder chairman of the Asian PGPR Society, delivered the keynote address. He stressed the safe food awareness in the world and the ongoing research in this field. However, he pointed out that more and more attention should be given to crop health. He urged researchers to focus on regenerative horticulture, natural and organic farming, integrated agriculture, and bio-fertilizers. He went on to say that crops grown in India have better immunity compared to those in other regions.

During the event, Telangana Horticultural University and the Asian PGPR Society inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to cooperate with each other in research, which will further promote sustainable agricultural practices in the future.