Farmers achieve higher profits with hybrid sunflower seeds

New Delhi: Sunflower farming has been an important part of India’s agriculture, mainly for producing edible oil. With the increasing demand for sunflower oil, farmers now need high-yielding and disease-resistant varieties to boost production. To meet this demand, advanced hybrid sunflower seeds, TilhanTech-SUNH-1 and SUNH-2, have been introduced. These hybrids offer better yield, higher oil content, and stronger resistance to diseases.

TilhanTech-SUNH-1 was released in 2021, while SUNH-2 is a new hybrid launched in 2023. Both hybrids mature quickly, allowing farmers to harvest in time for the next crop cycle. SUNH-1 matures in 90-100 days, while SUNH-2 matures even faster, in just 84-87 days.

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These hybrids produce impressive yields. SUNH-1 yields around 2000 kg per hectare under rainfed conditions and up to 2600 kg/ha under irrigation, while SUNH-2 yields about 1600 kg/ha in rainfed fields and up to 2500 kg/ha with irrigation. This ensures higher earnings for farmers.

Oil content is crucial in sunflower farming, as it determines market value. These hybrids contain 37-41% oil, making them ideal for oil processing and helping farmers earn better prices.

These hybrids are best suited for regions like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, and Jammu & Kashmir, where climatic conditions support sunflower growth.

With an estimated market potential of 50,000 hectares, these hybrids can revolutionize sunflower farming. Seed costs are around Rs. 250-300 per kg, while market prices range between Rs. 550-650 per kg, making them a profitable choice for farmers.